
Showing posts from June, 2018


To conclude, I want to say from welcoming post, major initial ideas 1,2, Final essay, planing for major project, presentation, small survey, case study 1,2 and ethics  made this course more resourceful. I hope in my future study this module will help me a lot. And also specially thanks to my module teachers who help me to do complete this great job. 

Analysis my research.

In my survey I divided in 4 section, 1st some general question age, gender and profession. 2nd Basic question about cyber security in aviation, 3rd part was when they travel how conscious are they about leaking data finally some of there opinions as regards cyber security in aviation.  In my survey most of the participant was 19 to 25 age and 73% was female.  Also a big amount of participant was student nearly 85%.  There are half of people know about cyber security in Aviation. However there are some question made participant confused also sapling mistake. For example, how many time have you travel in aeroplane and chance of lack( leaking) data. Most important information come out form my survey was that there are more then  60% of people do not know is there any chance to leaking data when they booked plane ticket. On my survey we can see that there are over 65% of people think that Airline company is responsible for cyber...

Case study 2

My further research about on this company I have found recently(2018) they published a news called " Cyber-Security Attacks Already Happening in Business Aviation" I was trying to find what type of company or organisation was suffering from this attack but there were no clear information about company because of privacy and customer satisfaction. This news also describe that daily attacks and how to secure the environment. I n this case study I explained  how AIN company was founded and who was the founder, what  services are the offered. Sources:

Case study 1

In my 1st case study I was looking for an aviation online news company called  Aviation International News( AIN).  Founded in 1972,  AIN  Publications is an independent media company focused on the aviation sector. Our stated mission is “To provide timely, accurate and balanced aviation and aerospace news, analysis and data around the world.” We accomplish this mission by employing a dedicated staff of experts in their respective fields. We adhere to strict guidelines of ethics and good-practices, a policy that has made  AIN  Publications one of the most trusted sources for aviation news in the world. AIN  Publications publishes these on-site issues: ABACE  Convention News EBACE  Convention News HAI  Convention News [at Heli-Expo] LABACE  Convention News MEBA  Convention News NBAA  Convention News Dubai Airshow News Farnborough Airshow News Paris Airshow News Singapore Airshow News AIN tv , the compa...

Ethics in Cyber Security

E thics are an important part of cyber security. In countless organisations IT personnel are entrusted with the ability to access sensitive and personal data. How they handle this responsibility has much to do with their ethical standards, which is why organisations carefully select people with high standards to protect data. Ethics come from antiquity where it was felt that one should look to the common good in making decisions and at the least do no harm when making those decisions. According to National cybersecurity institute state that ethics in Cyber Security following   When using your computer, don’t harm others… respectful of all. Stay out of and don’t steal other people’s work, files, software, etc. Don’t use other people’s work without citing or paying for it. Think first of the social consequences of what you are doing. Sources Thomson, A. (2014). Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.